About Italy

Upon entering Italy by car or plane you are immediately taken by the hustle & bustle, vibrant environment and animated people. 

The Italian charm is a mix of culture and characteristics that is not limited to the people only. Did you know that Italy has 51 designated cultural and natural landmarks that make up over 5% of UNESCO’S  global list? (https://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/it) 

Whilst travelling the country you will be inspired by the diversity of history and nature. Italians know how to enjoy the quality of life which inspires most travellers. This intense feeling that people experience during their visit makes them realize the truly important things in life. This is where in many cases the dream of moving to Italy begins. 


Why Italy

Although Italy has many charms it also has challenges. The language is one of them. As much as many countries are focussed on learning different languages Italy still has a long way to go. This complicates things and in case you are interested in doing business will almost force you to use an intermediary. 

Over the last year we have seen an increased investment in different regions within Italy with a focus on the Tuscany area. The main reason for this is that Tuscany has an amazing mix of cultural building/villages and nature. This growing interest in Tuscany has resulted in increasing property prices over the years and a mix of cultures that has replaced the Italian heritage.  

People are increasingly discovering the new authentic Italy in regions such as Abruzzo and Molise where the beaches are protected, the mountains are part of a nature reserve and the Italians are real Italians. 

Investing in Italy

We can see a growing demand for independent houses surrounded by nature and heritage. This growing demand is not only concentrated on purchase but also rental. Did you know that an average medium size house in Italy can be rented out for 5 months a year and an average rental of €800 weekly? For more information check out: (https://www.globalpropertyguide.com/Europe/Italy) 

Looking at the regions Abruzzo and Molise we can see that there is hardly any industry. Main business is agriculture. Tourism is mainly from within Italy. People that own multiple properties are taxed and therefor many people are willing to sell. This creates an opportunity for investors that are looking for an investment opportunity within an authentic piece of Italy surrounded by all the beauty that Italy has to offer. 

Italy is recipient of EU funds earmarked for (green) investments. This is, simply put, converted into national subsidies for investements which can be used for home-owners. The SUPERBONUS is one of these. Major financial advantages are to be had. Please check out the following link for more info:
